In the meeting on Monday, Stefan Scholz, Deputy Head of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (CHHTO) Mohammad Hassan Talebian and Head of National Committees of Blue Shield Karl Von Habsburg Lothringen were presented.
Scholz pointed to establishment of 'Blue Shield' Committee and called for its establishment in Iran and countries of the region, so it can play more effective role in protection of cultural heritage of the region.
He added that the committee had been established in more than 40 countries and its responsibilities are like Red Crescent Society and Red Cross Committee to try for protection of cultural heritage in the world.
Scholz said the committee is a branch of the UNESCO and intends to offer correct training with appropriate planning for preventive measures and halting destruction of cultural heritages as it had recently effective activities in protection of cultural heritages in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.
The committee believes that before creation of a crisis, measures should be taken to prevent demolishing historical works.
Talebian pointed to Iran's role in protecting historical works and added that it is more than three decades that Iranian military forces have passed different training courses to protect cultural heritages in confrontation with dangers and emergency situations.
He said that 'Protecting Unit' , in CHHTO, is playing effective role in the field of protection of cultural heritage and in this concern associations, cultural heritage formations and local people with their collaborations are offering a great help and assistances to the unit.
Talebian asked Austrian ambassador and head of Blue Shield National Committees to present full information concerning activities of the committee for CHHTO to be considered with related organs and bodies for appropriate decision.
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