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Chinese professor: Stay at home to fight coronavirus

Hongda Fan, technical entrepreneur and professor at Shanghai International Studies University, made the remarks in an interview with IRNA in China on Monday.

Regarding China's experiences in countering coronavirus, the professor said scholars have not found any medicine or vaccine for the virus, so the sole way to fight the deadly coronavirus is to stay at home.

The deadly coronavirus radiating from Wuhan, China, in December 2019 has affected thousands of people across the world, while over 6,000 have been killed. About 13,938 people in Iran have coronavius which killed 724 reportedly. Over 4,590 patients have recovered and were discharged from hospitals.

Hongda Fan said that China has recently passed climax of the coronavirus outbreak, so it can share useful experiences with Iran in this area.

He further noted that his country and Iran have started good cooperation in the fight against coronavirus, hoping that the virus would be controlled in Iran soon.

Referring to the US sanctions against Iran, the Chinese professor sympathized with the Iranian people as they have witnessed various difficulties in the sanctions era but have overcome them.

He said that the Chinese people stand by the Iranians as they exercised solidarity with the Chinese during counter-coronavirus period.

Experiences proved that if people stay at home and not have contact with others, it will help control the outbreak of the coronavirus to large extent.

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