The Public Relations Office of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT) quoted Ali Mousavi, the head of the comprehensive archeological explorations in Pasargad, as saying that the ancient Pasargad site is the first and the oldest royal residence of the Achaemenid dynasty in Fars, the date of the establishment of which goes back to the reign of Cyrus the Great in the middle of the sixth century BC.
Referring to the fact that the Pasargad World Heritage is located in a place called Dasht-e Morghab, 130 km north of Shiraz, near the northern frontier of Fars Province, he said: “Altogether, more than fifty historical works are located in the site of Pasargad World Heritage and its surrounding which include the remains of prehistoric settlements up to the Islamic settlements in the sixth and seventh centuries AH.”
The comprehensive plan of archeological explorations in the enclosure of Pasargad area with an aim of comprehensive study of ancient artifacts from the prehistoric times up to the seventh and eighth century AH has been predicted for a period of five year, he said.
Mousavi, referring to the fact that the building known as Solomon’s prison consists of the remains of a 14-meter-high wall which is located in the north of the palaces, said the wall was basically the remains of a four-sided stone tower which has been turned into its present shape due to the use of its stones in the recent constructions.
Comparing this stone tower with another similar building known as the Zoroaster’s Ka’bah in Naqsh-e Rostam, he said both of the buildings are very similar and possibly had the same application, although their exact use is not clear yet.
Explorations of the third season began in vicinity of the Borge Sangi-e Viran in the continuation of explorations in the previous years with an aim of clarifying the map and architectural details of the building, he added.
Mousavi went on to say that from among other places explored in the past season was the so-called sacred area, explorations in which led to the discovery of an unprecedented adobe fire place with a length of approximately 140 cm and the remains of the last ritual ceremony, including hundreds of animal bones (often goats and sheep) which had been burned in the fire.
He referred to the targets of the comprehensive archeological explorations in Pasargad such as the study of the pre-Achaemenid settlements and said to this end, a workshop has been established in Talle Khari, one of the prehistoric hills in the site.
Talle Khari is a set of low altitude and dispersed hills in the north of Pasargad area, a large part of which has been destroyed due to agricultural practices in the recent years, Mousavi said.
Referring to the identification of the works from the settlements during the Bakun, Lepoi and the Achaemenid periods in the explorations of Talle Khari so far, he said identification of layers and cultural sequence of Dasht-e Pasargad in the fourth millennium BC is among the targets of exploration in the Talle Khari.
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