The evidence shows that they were all under 40 years of age, the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT) recently reported.
Vali Jahani, an archeologist made the remarks in a meeting which was held by the Research Institute of Archeology.
The result of the study on the remains of 19 human skeleton, including 9 men and 10 women between 14 and 40 years old, showed that signs of violence culminating to death was evident only in one percent of the dead, he noted.
Based on the results 25% of the dead had scars and signs of severe sickness and that all the dead were below 40 years of age.
He also elaborated on some of the characteristics of the residential part of Liar Sang Bon compound and its cemetery which is located on the slopes of Ahin Bar Talleh Mountain.
Jahani pointed to the measures taken in the two seasons of field research works in the area, saying in the first field research study evaluation of the limits and privacy of the area on the basis of probe explorations in 21 experimental boreholes were conducted in northern, eastern and southern directions of the area and survey and identification were examined in the areas neighboring Liar Sang Bon compound.
Exploration in the cemetery part of the compound which is located on the slopes of Ahin Bar Talleh Mountain was part of the research work in an effort to understand the nature of the area prior to its full destruction by unauthorized excavators, he added.
Jahani went on to say that such excavations in Liar Sang Bon were the main reason for conducting emergency explorations in the area.
He referred to the objects found in the cemetery as metal, clay work, stone, and wooden objects in addition to leather and glass works, including dishes, ornaments, dagger, beads, etc.
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