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Antiracist books sales rise in US, UK

The book "Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People" by Reni Eddo-Lodge is the bestselling book on Amazon in the UK, where it is listed as temporarily out of stock and unavailable to be ordered. A winner of Jhalak Prize, the book was which was first published in 2017 has also made this week’s bestselling nonfiction from Nielsen BookScan, The Guardian reported.

Layla F Saad's "Me and White Supremacy" has been placed at No 5 in Amazon’s UK charts, and also out of stock, according to the report.

In the US, Robin DiAngelo’s book entitled "White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism" is No 1 in Amazon's bestselling and currently out of stock. Other books including Ijeoma Oluo’s "So You Want to Talk About Race", Ibram X Kendi’s "How to Be an Antiracist", and Sesame Street picture book "We’re Different, We’re the Same" have also attracted protesting Americans, listing among 10 US bestselling, the same report said.

Oluo tweeted: “I am happy people are reading my book. But if you read my book and think ‘oh - now I understand racism!’ You have a lot more books to read. My book was intended as an introduction. It is a tool to help you discuss issues of racism in your workplace, your towns, your schools. But ‘how can I better talk about this’ isn’t even step 1 – it’s the beginning of your research on the way to step one.”

The 39-year-old American author advised her followers to read works by other authors including Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, Audre Lorde, Octavia Butler and James Baldwin. “If we want to end violent white supremacy it will take more than talk and more than mutual understanding,” she wrote. “Understand that for hundreds of years black people have been documenting and analysing this murderous system and that there is no one book that will capture it all. You owe this work your time and respect.”

George Floyd, an American black, was killed in May 25 after a white Minneapolis police force kneeled on his neck for more than 8 minutes, while he and some passers-by told the police that he couldn't breathe.

Floyd's death sparked country-wide protests in the United States which was followed by global support.


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