Home / Culture / Academic diplomacy broadens Iran, China scientific relation: University Chancellor

Academic diplomacy broadens Iran, China scientific relation: University Chancellor

China attaches importance to Iran's role under BRI, Jl Jinbiao said adding that it is advisable that the opportunity to be granted in the best way.

The initiative was taken by China's President Xi Jinping in 2013.

China's trade exchange with other countries has exceeded dlrs. 6 trillion in the past 6 years, taking into account dlrs. 80 billion worth of investment in the related projects.

The initiative has also created some 300,000 jobs in the countries involved in the projects.

The chancellor noted that the Beijing-based university has prioritized the development of scientific ties with Iran.

In line with the decision, Ji said, Beijing International Studies University is seeking to sign memoranda of understanding (MoUs) with Iranian universities and cultural institutes, including Sa'di and Dehkhoda institutes.

He said some 31 Chinese students are currently studying the Persian language and literature at the university. 

The course is to strengthen public diplomacy between Iran and China.

The academic officials emphasized that the university welcomes potential Iranian students who will be admitted in China as international students.


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