The seven-member group was a volunteer group that started its search on Sunday night for finding the debris of the passengers of the Iranian plane ATR-72 that crashed into Zagros mountains on February 19, but they went missing.
All 66 onboard people, including the pilots and crew died.
However, the recovery of the dead bodies and the black box came to a halt due to bad weather and the rugged terrain where the plane went down.
However, some volunteer local groups have tried to play a role in the recovery operation. The seven people went missing a few hours after they started their search on Dena mount, and a team of skillful mountaineers were dispatched to look for them on Monday morning.
Deputy for rescue and relief in Isfahan's Hilal Ahmar organization Dariush Karimi told Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) that the rescue team has contacted the missing people.
An assessment team has also been sent to the site to help decision making on dispatching operational and rescue teams for transporting the dead bodies from the heights.
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