Home / Culture / 2.3 MT Travertine extracted in Mahallat, Iran

2.3 MT Travertine extracted in Mahallat, Iran

Reza Maleki told IRNA on Sunday that 60 percent of travertine produced in the country was extracted from Mahallat mines, which worth 7,000 billion Rials in value.

135 mining units are active in the county, 85 of which extract travertine and marble, the official said, adding that the city's travertine is of high quality and good global reputation.

He said that the specific type of travertine extracted from Mahallat has special specifications and has been registered and globally known as "Mahallat Travertine".

Mahallat country in Markazi province, Iran is the center of travertine production in Iran and produces 12 percent of travertine of the world.


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