The Public Relations Office of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT) quoted Mehdi Mousavi-Nia, head of the operations to determine the limits and privacy of Tappeh Bahram in Moqimabad, in Rey, as saying on Saturday that explorations have been conducted in the ancient area with an aim of determining its limits, proposing its privacy and documenting it.
In order to find answers to the targets mentioned above, some of the areas were brought under the geomagnetized survey with an effort to acquire a better understanding of the documentation of the site, he said.
To this end, he added, one hectare of the space inside the enclosure was brought under geomagnetized examination and some of the boreholes were excavated by the device inside the site.
Referring to the creation of a number of other boreholes inside and outside the enclosure in order to give answer to the archeological questions, Mousavi-Nia, said based on the cultural materials found in the boreholes inside the enclosure, Tappeh Bahram has several settlement phases.
He further remarked that the pottery found from the surface survey and the architecture of the fence of the site shows that the enclosure probably dated back to the Sassanid era and was reused in early Islamic period, adding that by cutting of parts of the second fence it is assumed that it had been used as a pottery furnace.
He noted that in the upper layers where the archeological explorations were often focused, a variety of cultural materials belonging to the early Islamic centuries and the Al Boyah were found.
Pieces of pottery in different styles, along with glass containers, fragments of bronze and iron objects and decorative stone buttons show that the area was more thriving in the first centuries of the Islamic era, he said.
Mousavi-Nia announced the discovery of a pottery kiln belonging to the early Islamic centuries in Rey is one of the most important archeological discoveries of the current season.
Stressing that the kiln discovered in Rey is the first pottery kiln dating back to the early centuries of the Islamic era, he said it is expected that with the expansion of exploration operations in this section of the site, more valuable information could be obtained from the tradition of pottery production in the early Islamic centuries in Rey.
He added that along with the cultural material found on the site, another part of the significance of the Bahram Hill returns to the unique architectural structure of the enclosure.
Referring to the point that the structure of the site is composed of the three nested fences, he said the outer and the middle fences have patrol towers.
Mousavi-Nia stated that the structure of the architecture of the site and the presence of patrol towers indicate that the enclosure was potentially an aristocratic residence.
Mousavi-Nia, referring to the issuance of a permit for the identification of the limits and documentation of Tappeh Bahram in Moqimabad by the head of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, expressed the hope that by expanding exploration in the important area of the historic-Islamic period, the significance of the status of Rey in the centuries of the Iranian history would become more prominent.
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