“The major decision to address the issue should be taken by Iran's diplomacy apparatus,” Deputy of Iran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO)Morteza Rahmani Movahed said on Monday.
'We raised the issue in a meeting with the Turkish Tourism officials who visited Tehran in early 2017,” Rahmani Movahed said.
“We are going to express our strong protest once again for the recent events in Turkey,” he said, referring to the Turkish police violence against Iranian tourists in the country.
'We are waiting to see how the Foreign Ministry is going to deal with the issue, as it is the main body in the country responsible for protecting Iranian nationals,' Rahmani Movahed said.
He went on to say that 'we in the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization will also follow up the issue in our negotiations with Turkey’s tourism officials.'