In a televised speech marking the anniversary martyrdom of the Hezbollah Leaders, Nasrallah derided at all the war rhetoric used by the Zionist against the Lebanese Hezbollah.
According to the website of Al-Manar TV, he vowed that Hezbollah was preparing for the worst and he added that the deterrence capabilities maintained by the Resistance coupled with the steadfastness of Lebanese people have barred the Israeli enemy from launching any war since Hezbollah’s victory in 2006.
“We’re proud that the Zionists had put us on the top of their list of threats this year. Iran came second and the Palestinian resistance third. But it’s shameful that they didn’t mentioned any Arab regime as a threat,” Nasrallah said, adding that, since July 2006 war, Hezbollah has constantly been facing threats of an Israeli war against Lebanon.
But the Israelis have refrained from taking any action since then, he said.
“There’re always political pretexts for a war against us, and an Arab cover is found today more than it was in 2006. The matter is that Israel is not sure of its victory in any future war and doesn’t need any US or Arab permission, he said.
“This means that the resistance has the required defenses as well as backings from our people to deter it,” Nasrallah said.
The July 2006 war, has made Israelis skeptical about any decisive win, he said, adding that all of the Israeli rhetoric about possible future wars on Lebanon is part of a “psychological war.”
“Our guarantee is our strength and steadfastness which are preventing the Israeli from any adventure.”
Concerning the Ammonia threat, the Hezbollah leader warned the Israelis that Hezbollah can reach Ammonia tanks anywhere.
“The Israelis hurried to empty out their Ammonia container [in the northern occupied city of Haifa] of its toxic content after we threatened to target it, but I tell them that we’ll target it wherever it’s taken to,” he said, advising the Israelis to “not only evacuate the Ammonia tanks from Haifa, but also dismantle the Dimona nuclear plant” in Negev.
“The Israelis believe that we are serious with our threats and capabilities and that our actions speak,” Nasrallah noted.
Nasrallah then questioned the Zionist guts to send ground troops into Lebanon in any future war.
“Aerial war alone cannot decide the fate of the battle and cannot achieve victory. Had it not been for the Syrian army’s fighting on the ground in Syria, it would not have been able to achieve decisive victory,” he said.
He reminded the Israelis of 2006 War when they thought they had enough intelligence about Hezbollah’s ammunitions and targets but were astonished with what happened later.
'In 2006 you had intelligence of our ammunition but you were astonished with what you saw after figuring out that you didn’t have enough information,” he said, vowing the Zionists are going to come across further surprises that will change the course of any war.
“Circumstances have changed today and the Resistance won’t just passively remain to protect itself at one place,” Nasrallah said.
Expressing concern over the Palestinian Cause, Nasrallah pointed out that these days “we are witnessing the final chapters of liquidizing the Palestinian Cause while the Arab regimes are in a hurry to normalize ties with the Israeli enemy.”
He added that some Arab representatives in Cairo got upset with the speech by Lebanese President Michel Aoun at the Arab league.
“Some Arabs were upset by President Michel Aoun when he tried to address the Palestinian cause and the resistance and when he told them that the enemy has transformed the war into an Arab-Arab war,” Nasrallah said.
The Hezbollah leader also said that in the meeting between Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump, the latter abandoned the US commitment to the two-state solution, which signaled the end to any ‘peaceful negotiations’ between Palestinians and Israelis.
“Where are the Arabs and their position-takings and reactions to the aggressions conducted by the Zionist enemy,” Nasrallah said.
“Circumstances are going to change, nothing remains as it was before, there are conspiracies in the region that will be foiled and amid all these conspiracies a resistance generation is going to be borne to achieve a decisive victory,” Nasrallah said.
Elaborating on the developments in Bahrain, Hezbollah’s secretary general said that Bahrain today is a country occupied by the Saudi forces which are killing and slaughtering the Bahraini people.
The decision to execute the three Bahraini youths was made following a Saudi order.
“All those who argue that Bahrainis are going to be exhausted should bear in mind recent developments in the country and be certain that the solution stays with paying heed to rightful demands of the people,” he said.
On the ongoing conflict in Yemen, Nasrallah said that the Israelis collaborated in the aggression against the country alongside with the United States and the Emirati support.
But, he said, “the steadfastness of the Yemenis is a myth, as the crisis started two years ago with the hope that it only weeks would be enough to finish the job but they were wrong.”
He said Saudi Arabia are bringing mercenaries from some countries to wage a proxy war against Yemen, but the Yemenis are steadfast and firm in their resistance.
Nasrallah also blamed Saudi Arabia for the blood being shed in some Arab countries.
“Saudi Arabia created ISIS and it is responsible for hundreds of thousands of martyrs who have been killed in Iraq, Syria, Sinai and other places,” he said.
But, in the same way we gained victory in 2000 and in the July War, we are now getting closer and closer to the victory over the American-Saudi-Israeli project called the ISIS,” he said.
Nasrallah also paid tribute to the founder of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini on the 38th anniversary victory of the 1979 revolution in Iran and congratulated the occasion to the Iranian Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the resistance forces.
He underlined that Islamic Revolution has changed all the equations in the region.
“We insist on commemorating this occasion on the same day (February 16) since 30 years, in order for our generations to take those elite leaders as their role models and promoters of today’s victories,” Nasrallah said.