Qasemi made the announcement in his Telegram page on Thursday and in response to the baseless claims made by the US President Donald Trump and the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime Benjamin Netanyahu during a joint press briefing in Washington.
'Their remarks included no new points, but repetition of the unfounded and unworthy claims about Iran’s peaceful nuclear program,' Qasemi said.
US President Donal Trump in his joint press conference with Netanyahu again called Mr. Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran “one of the worst deals I’ve ever seen,” and vowed to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear power. “I will do more to prevent Iran from ever developing - I mean ever- a nuclear weapon,' US daily New York Times reported.
Those remarks are being repeated while the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has frequently insisted on the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program, the senior diplomat stressed.
This fact (peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program) has also been approved by different world countries over and over, Qasemi noted.
The bitter truth is that those baseless claims are being repeated by a regime which is not faithful to any international laws, and has hundreds of warheads at its nuclear arsenal, Qasemi went on to say.
The Zionist regime is the one having a long record of crimes and inhuman measures against the oppressed Palestinians and other neighbors, he added.
According to the religious beliefs based on the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s fatwa that prohibits nuclear weapons, such arms have not had and will not have any place in Iran’s military doctrine, said Qasemi, underlying that the Islamic Republic seriously continues its peaceful nuclear activities under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) approved by the United Nations (UN) Security Council.