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Official proposes establishment of Iran-Czech Joint Chamber

Masoud Khansari made the proposal during a meeting between Iranian delegation and Czech economic activists on Wednesday in Prague.

He said that Czech economic activists were pioneers in promoting bilateral ties as they set up Czech-Iran Joint Chamber two years ago.

Khansari further noted that the two countries can bolster relations in all fields such energy and industry.

Meanwhile, Head of Czech-Iran Joint Chamber Yan Kavan said that the chamber was set up earlier in September 2015, the time when sanctions against Iran were in force, and delegation headed by Czech Parliament vice speaker traveled to Iran on April 12, 2015.

He added the currently, 50 big and major Czech companies are members of the Czech-Iran Joint Chamber.

Secretary General of Iran Energy Exports and Related Industries Federation Hamid Reza Salehi told the same meeting that based on the latest global rankings, Iran stands first in gas reserves and produces over 700 million cubic meters of gas a day.

He further noted that the Iranian government has created capacities for investment in the field and Czech economic activists can invest in Iran gas sector.

Salehi also invited Czech companies to invest in the country’s electricity and renewable energy sectors.

The Iranian 30-member delegation, comprising Iranian businessmen headed by Khansari arrived in Czech Republic on Sunday to attend the Iran-Czech Trade Conference on Monday.

The two countries’ trade value reached 59.139 million dollars in the past months, up by 25 percent compared to the figure for the corresponding period last year.

Iranian economic delegation will leave Czech Republic for Denmark later on.



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