In a meeting in Moscow on Friday, Sergey Lovich Levine, Deputy Minister of International Affairs of the Russian Federation, and Kazem Jalali, Iran’s Ambassador to Russia, discussed ways to expand exchanges of agricultural products and upgrade transportation infrastructure for transit of commodities.
The Iranian envoy pointed to the increase of export of Iranian goods to Russia in 2020, noting that the increase is a good step in line with expanding trade ties, which is promoted by Russian and Iranian top officials.
Russia and Iran enjoy high capacities to develop cooperation in agriculture, adding that the Iranian companies are ready to collaborate in planting greenhouse products as well as beans and grains in Russia.
The two sides further discussed the upgrading of transport infrastructure, investment and expansion of railroads and shipping fleet in order to pave the ground for transit of cargos to markets in the Persian Gulf littoral states, where Russia has found recently.
Despite the fact that Moscow and Tehran have developed political ties, their trade exchanges have not experienced a significant boom in recent years. The usage of existing capacities in markets of both countries can help them expand trade ties.
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