Home / Sports / US seeking to increase meddling in Islamic countries, Iran’s envoy says

US seeking to increase meddling in Islamic countries, Iran’s envoy says

Addressing a ceremony marking the 40th day of demise of Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri in Baghdad, former head of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, he added the the Americans victimize the Muslims for the Zionists and think only of the interests of Israel and no Islamic state matters to them.

Noting that Ayatollah Tashkhiri heralded unity among the Muslims, he added, "Today, we see a lot of efforts to divide Muslims as Sunnis, Shiites, Arabs and non-Arabs, and anyone who opposes them will be sanctioned, threatened and assassinated."

The Americans themselves reinforce terror and falsely claim democracy, Masjedi reiterated.

Regarding possible talks between Iran and the US, he said that such negotiations will not take place. The precondition for considering any negotiation is first an apology from the US and then a return to the JCPOA and the lifting all sanctions.

"We are not afraid of Trump and the Islamic Republic is strongly moving forward," he said.


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