Home / Sports / Bagh Sheikh Caravanserai Historical monument in central Iran

Bagh Sheikh Caravanserai Historical monument in central Iran

Abdol Ghaffar Khan Historical Caravanserai which also includes a cistern and a Tekkiyeh, is located in the historical village of Bagh Sheikh in Saveh city in Markazi Province of Iran. Saveh is located about 100 km southwest of Tehran.

Tekkiyeh (stemming from the word eteka, meaning backup or reliable) was historically a staying place for visiting pilgrims and dervishes who relied on the goodness of the benefactors for daily sustenance.

Today Tekkiyehs, however, are specific locations for mourners who meet and participate in religious gathering after which they head out on the streets in groups known as dasteh (literally meaning cluster) to parade dramatic mourning.

Tekkiyeh is also a place for performing tazieh, a passion play inspired by historical and religious narrations, and Sineh-Zani [beating the chest] ceremonies.

Tazieh, which recounts religious events, historical and mythical stories, and folk tales, was registered on UNESCO’s List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in November 2010. 

Abdol Ghaffar Khan Historical Caravanserai, which is known as Bagh Sheikh, has been built on an area of 4,800 square meters in the Zand dynasty (1751-1794)  and is considered to be suitable for Iran's hot and dry climate.

 Bagh Sheikh (Abdol Ghaffar Khan) Historical Caravanserai, reached national registration on October 1975.

It also has a balcony with four observation towers at the corners and inside it an alcove, a wharf, and numerous rooms.


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