Home / Economy / FM Zarif to deliver speech on Iran and the World in Transition on Monday

FM Zarif to deliver speech on Iran and the World in Transition on Monday

"My fifth and concluding online discussion of the World in Transition," Zarif wrote in his Twitter account on Monday.

"Today, Aug 24, From 12:30 to 13:15 UTC; Topic: Iran and the World in Transition; Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran. Live Instagram @iranian_studies_ut," he added.

It will be the 5th and final webinar lecture being presented.

Earlier, addressing the opening of his speech in the first episode, he outlined many concepts prevailing the global political systems so far and said each of them has given way to the other in the course of time.

Recalling the previous changes in the world, he said that "we have seen the emergence of drastic changes and wars" in the international community.

Referring to "extremist unilateralism" as one of these concepts, he said that "all there are conceptual contexts the world experienced about the emerging new world."

In his second speech, Iranian foreign minister reviews 'Characteristics of Transitional Period'.

In his third speech, Zarif described the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - JCPOA - as the product of transition from negative-sum to positive-sum approach.

He also termed Daesh as the product of invasion and occupation.

Western monopoly on international relations is decreasing, he said, adding that the reason is the creation of global challenges and opportunities.

The West alone is unable to deal with the global challenges and cannot protect the environment, security, and social cohesion, he underlined.

The high-profile diplomat went on to say that the West is no longer the only role player in the world.

In his fifth speech Zarif said that the US can also make a miscalculation. The US was accompanied by just one vote either with the 35 or 4 paragraph resolution. The US Secretary of State has to ask the Dominican Republic to accompany him.

Also, Zarif pointed to the arrogance and unprofessionalism as other deficiencies in the US diplomatic apparatus that were reflected in the appointments at the State Department.

What is to happen in the world is no longer due to the interactions of great powers, he said.

Iranian foreign minister added that the world has entered the Post-Western era, adding that what is happening in the world is no longer due to great powers interaction.


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