Home / Sports / US failure with UNSC has severe consequences: Iraqi analyst

US failure with UNSC has severe consequences: Iraqi analyst

Mahmoud al-Hashemi told IRNA on Tuesday that it may even accelerate the re-division of the US to North and South.

On Friday, the members of the UNSC rejected a US anti-Iranian draft resolution to extend Iran arms embargo that will come to an end in October. The only countries that voted for the draft were the US and Dominican Republic.

Al-Hashemi said, “The defeat in sanctioning Iran is one of the most serious ones for the US in the international organizations. They had planned to sanction Iran by force of the UNSC, but to their surprise no country, except for a small one, accompanied them.”

He said the US thought it has turned to the indisputable power in the world and can impose its will on international organizations.

They took a big risk by putting issue forth at the UNSC, he said, adding that under President Donald Trump the US has seen huge regresses on international issues and strategic depth.

He said that the US thinks it is unique in the world, a feeling apart which comes from being led by a person like Trump.

In this condition, the analyst talk about the probability of US disintegration to North and South again, he said.


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