"Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns the US annual report on terrorism due to its obvious blame game, sheer dishonesty, and double standards in the fight against terrorism," Mousavi said.
He further noted that the US as the biggest sponsor of state terrorism and the main supporter of the Zionist aggressive and occupying regime is not in a position to claim that it is fighting terrorism.
The spokesperson further noted that the Zionist regime is not in a position to pass judgement in this regard, either.
Emphasizing that the history of the last few decades clearly shows that the US played a role in the creation of some terrorist groups or even supported them, as some US officials confessed, Mousavi pointed out that during the election campaign, the present US President Donald Trump also openly acknowledged that previous US governments had created Daesh and other terrorist groups.
The cowardly and terrorist act of the US regime in martyring Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani as the hero of fighting terrorism is a clear example of the terrorist crimes of the US regime, he said.
The spokesperson went on to noting that Iran, as the biggest victim of terrorist acts, carried out with the direct and indirect support of the US government, and with more than 17,000 martyrs the country offered in this way, is always at the forefront of the fight against terrorism globally and regionally.
Mousavi also described the imposition of unilateral sanctions and economic terrorism and medical terrorism by the US regime against the Iranian people as the latest examples of the US regime's terrorist acts against independent nations of the world.
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