In an interview with IRNA, Ali Sarwar Naqvi said the resolution is explicit example of organization’s adherence to the United States.
“When I was Pakistan’s representative in the IAEA way back in 2003 the case of Iran came and I raised the point that the IAEA BoG should not take political decisions against Iran. IAEA BoG at that time was not neutral towards Iran rather it was subjective,” he said.
Executive Director of the Center for International Strategic Studies (CISS) said the UN and many other countries tow American approach towards Iran.
“On the other hand Iran’s role has always remained positive they opened their nuclear facilities and gave access to the IAEA inspectors,” said the diplomat.
The expert on the international affairs said Iran has always complied with the IAEA requirements.
“Even the IAEA from 2003 till now has maintained that Iran has been cooperating with the nuclear body,” Naqvi noted.
Former envoy expressing his views said this resolution seems to be politically motivated.
“IAEA instead of passing such political resolutions should engage with Iran,” he viewed.
The expert said thar Pakistan and some like minded countries abstained from voting on the resolution just to show they don’t agree with the resolution.
The analyst said UK, France and Germany should play a constructive role to save the nuclear deal (JCPOA) instead of passing resolutions against Iran.
He strongly believed UK, France, Germany and other international bodies are under the American influence and they do whatever US says.
“US attitude towards Iran has always been hostile, which is not fair,” he noted.
The analyst went on to say European signatories of the JCPOA have also not fulfilled their promises regarding the nuclear deal; rather they kept silent on the US withdrawal from the agreement.
“They should engage with Iran to solve the problems between Iran and the west,” said Ali Sarwar Naqvi.
Earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a message had urged IAEA Board of Governors not to let JCPOA enemies endanger Iran's interests, saying that EU states -- UK, France and Germany (E3) should not be their accessory.
Meanwhile, speaking at a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, Zarif said we will not let the International Atomic Energy Agency to become a tool for ending Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
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