Home / Culture / Bazargan border post scene of movements of lorries after 3.5 months shutdown

Bazargan border post scene of movements of lorries after 3.5 months shutdown

Activities in Bazargan- the important trade border between Iran and Turkey- are now normal due to follow-up measures taken by both sides' officials, spokesman for IRI Customs Administration Rouhollah Latifi has said.

Iranian and Turkish presidents have already talked on the issue and stressed the need to re-open the border as soon as possible, the official added.

Borders between Iran and Turkey had been shut down since three-and-a-half month ago after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic which has killed over 386,000 people worldwide.

Bazargan border is open to Iranian and Turkish trucks from 10:30 hours local time while the health protocols are being observed, Latifi noted.

Coincident with re-opening of the border, managers of Iran's Bazargan Customs and Turkey's Gurbulak will meet to review measures to follow health directives and accelerate trade exchange, the official added.

Since its outbreak in December, 2019, the deadly coronavirus has infected over 6,550,000 people across the world, and killed more than 386,000.

To be protected from the virus, world nations have imposed quarantine and restrictions on their cooperation and people have limited even their normal activities.


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