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Iran scientific products register 10 percent growth in 2019

Among top 25 world countries active in science production, Iran with 9.5 percent increase in 2019 compared with the preceding year has stood at the second place, Mohammad Javad Dehghani told IRNA.

China with 11.9 scientific growth has ranked first while Turkey with 6.2 was in the third place after Iran, Dehghani added.

Iran could achieve such a success despite the sanctions, the ISC president said, adding that the sanctions create obstacle to providing the laboratories with due equipment for doing researches.

Another problem the sanctions have created for the researchers is that they face restrictions when deciding to attend different international scientific conferences or present and publish their essays, he noted.

He further described Iran's situation at science production as promising.

Dehghani also highlighted the fourth scientific position of Iran at the world nanotechnology.

The establishment of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) has been approved by the Islamic Conference of the Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research (ICMHESR) in a meeting held by ISESCO in 2008 in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan. Since then, Islamic universities and research institutes are required to cooperate with ISC, according to the ISC website.

Currently, all ISESCO member countries, including Southeast Asia, Arab countries, African non-Arab Islamic countries, Central Asia and the Caucasian Regional countries, and other Islamic countries in the Middle East, Europe and South America have been covered by ISC.

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