Home / Culture / Poetry night held online due to coronavirus in Iran

Poetry night held online due to coronavirus in Iran

Hila Seddighi, the founder of Neyestan Literary Society, held its poetry night in her Instagram page on Tuesday.

She founded the events 17 years ago. After 11 years she changed them to fortnight events.

Seddighi said that the global outbreak of COVID-19 has made her think that the friendly gatherings can become online so that known and unknown poets can have mutual relations.

Seddighi invited all the people interested in Persian Language from around the world to send their poems to her Telegram address, @NeyestanNGO, or email, neyestan.ngo@gmail.com to register in the future events.

On the Tuesday event, Reza Mohammadi, an Afghan poet; Anahita Torkman, a translator and poet; Ferdows Azam, a poet and writer from Tajikstan; Mazdak Mousavi, a poet; and Soroush Ghahramanlou, a vocalist had performances.

Head of Iran's Health Ministry's Public Relations Office Kianoush Jahanpour said on Wednesday that 73,791 people out of a total of 93,657 infected with the coronavirus have survived and recovered while 5,957 have unfortunately succumbed to death, including 80 deaths occurred over the past 24 hours.


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