The documentary, directed by Hamed Zolfaqari, is about six housewives in an Iranian desert village, named Shafiabad in Kerman province, fight for gender equality by filming their struggles for higher incomes and greater personal freedom, but they face community resistance after screening their stories at the mosque.
The film is a mixed account of the director and Women of the Sun Collective Video Group (Gugino) about the traditional patriotic decision-making structure of the community which undergoes a change to the benefit of these women and is followed by joining of other women to them.
The film will also be shown in La Lucarne program of the French channel Arte which is among the investors of the documentary.
La Lucarne is dedicated to creative documentary and shows eight experimental films by stylist filmmakers annually.
Hot Docs festival had been slated for April 30-May 10 with the lineup announcement coming on March 24. The event was postponed on March 13 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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