In a statement on Sunday, it complained about a widely-released clip protesting to the unhealthy conditions of the quarantine, saying that after information received that the residing complex of the Iranians is also inhabited by some non-Iranian nationals including Indians, Pakistanis and Egyptians who have tested positive for coronavirus, all residents of the complex in were tested for the coronavirus.
According to Kuwait Health Ministry, 38 of them were infected with coronavirus and are currently receiving treatment while 540 others were moved out of the complex and forced to spend 14 days in quarantine, it said.
The embassy also said that it insists on providing those in quarantine with necessary hygienic materials as well as food stuff and it has proposed dispatch of the embassy's representative to the premises of the quarantine to check the conditions.
Based on the follow-ups made and latest information received, it was agreed to move the quarantined people including Iranian and non-Iranian to more suitable places, the statement reiterated.
Under the current sensitive situation in the country where aliens constitute two-third of the country's population, preventing spread of coronavirus among the Iranians are among the definite duties of the mission, the embassy said.
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