Abolfazl Fateh, an Iranian media activist, initiated the campaign in late February.
He said on Wednesday that the sigantures of the campaign have passed 97,500 and will reach 100,000 in no time.
Fateh, in a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General and WHO Director-General, called for immediate lifting all medical sanctions to help combat coronavirus in Iran.
Iranians worldwide can join here to voice their solidarity with the campaign.
He said that campaign is a success for Iran. The petition aims at pressing the international organizations, and they, in turn, will press the US and Europe to reduce or remove sanctions on Iran.
After this petition, other ones were drawn up to protests against sanctions on Iran.
This petition is a formal request to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Director-General of the World Health Organization to take immediate action to stop the ongoing medical sanctions against Iran to combat COVID-19 and save innocent lives.
As the sanctions have impeded Iran’s efforts to counter the coronavirus, the Swiss trade channel has been activated. And on Tuesday the secretary of human right of the United Nations officially demanded reconsideration of sanctions on Iran because they hurt the people and weaken them against the potentially fatal coronavirus. In the UK, there has been a petition launched to urge the parliament to demand lift of sanctions on Iran.
The coronavirus has infected 23,049 people and killed 1,812 people in Iran.
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