Home / Sports / َAmbassador: Iran, sole country unable to buy medicine due to US bans

َAmbassador: Iran, sole country unable to buy medicine due to US bans

Hassan Qashqavi, Iran's Ambassador in Madrid, made the remarks in an interview with the Spanish daily newspaper of La Razón.

US anti-Iran sanctions has hampered moves to buy medicine or medical equipment from the global markets though Iran is now in difficult conditions as the country is fighting the deadly coronavirus which has killed about 9,000 people across the world, also in Iran, Qashqavi said.

The ambassador further censured the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for preventing financial transactions between the world banks and companies and Iran.

The US move is in a blatant violation of the humanitarian rules, and proves the United States unilateralism, Qashqavi stressed.

He went on to say that the American officials make use of the coronavirus pandemic to follow their maximum pressure policy against Iran.

Qashqavi further criticized the US move to divert the public opinions from its anti-human measures through broadcasting fake news, fanning the flame of rumors and forging the realities via their puppet media.

Many Iranian officials have underlined the impact of US sanctions which hinders the arrival and purchase of medical equipment and medicine on Iran's healthcare systems.

Iran has taken necessary measures to contain and control the widespread virus which has infected most of the world by now.


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