Home / Culture / Iran’s share of Eurasia’s trade is 0.3%

Iran’s share of Eurasia’s trade is 0.3%

Eurasia imports from the world are $ 327 billion but Iran's share is 0.3 percent of the Eurasian market, Mohammad Khazraiemanesh said on Saturday at a conference on free zones, special zones and development of economic cooperation with the neighboring countries.

76% of these imports are from Russia, 12% from Belarus and 10% from Kazakhstan, he added.

Khazraiemanesh also described the situation of Eurasian exports to the world and noted that the Eurasian region exports $ 542 billion to the world. Its $ 1.8 billion comes to Iran and Iran's share is just 0.3%. Russia accounts for 82%, Kazakhstan 11%, and Belarus 6%.

In total, Russia exported $ 443 billion in 2014 and $ 249 billion in imports worldwide, he said. So Russia accounts for 79% of all Eurasian trade.

The total value of Iran's exports is $ 108 billion and the total value of imports is $ 50 billion but the Eurasian countries are not our main intentions. We need to focus more on this union, the official stated.


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