Foreign Ministry spokesperson Aisha Farooqui in a statement issued in response to the announcement of a Peace Plan for the Middle East by the United States said Pakistan continues to support a just and lasting solution of the Palestinian issue, through dialogue and negotiations, that leads to the realization of the legitimate rights of the Palestinians, including the right of self-determination.
“Pakistan has consistently supported a two-state solution, as enshrined in the relevant Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions,” said the statement.
Palestinians took to streets in Gaza and the West Bank to protest conspiracy of Trump favoring Israel at the expense of the State of Palestine.
Many international and Muslim figures have so far denounced US conspiracy against State of Palestine.
Iranian envoy to the United Nations Es-haq Alehabib said that ending occupation is the only solution to the crisis in Occupied Territories of Palestine, dismissing attempts to buy the Palestinian honor, aspirations and dignity by money.
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