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US suffering from unilateral, illegal, inconclusive, repetitive behavior

Recent sanctions have neglected all international norms and regulations and targeted industries intermingled with the everyday life of millions of Iranians, he said, noting that the order is in clear violation of United Nations Resolution 2231 as well as the government's commitments under general international law.  

Noting that the nature of the US government's hostile policies has become increasingly apparent with the imposition of these sanctions, the official said that the US move aims to disrupt business of a large number of Iranians and deprive them of fundamental economic rights under international conventions and of course on the basis of lack of recognition about Iran and Iranian.

US unilateral measures have turned into a challenge to the international community and its industries have long ago lost ability to compete with those of other states and the US regime wants enter into competition through unfair means by imposing sanctions, he said, noting that the attempts will get nowhere and it will eventually be forced to come to terms with realities and admit defeat.


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