He made the remarks in a meeting with a special security adviser to the Syrian president Ali Mamlouk who is currently in Iran on behalf of Bashar al-Assad.
Shamkhani added that the Americans and arrogant powers will soon understand that assassination of commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps' (IRGC) Quds Force Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani will be far more dangerous for them.
Referring to the epic and unprecedented presence of the Iraqi people in the funeral of General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes and approval of the US forces exit from the country, he said that Iraqi government, parliament and people took the lead to avenge on the assassination and slapped in Trump and his team's face with these big acts.
Declaring Iran's official stance against assassination of Lieutenant General Soleimani, Shamkhani said, "We will respond to the crime militarily, but it will not be limited to military acts."
Shahkhani pointed out that Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes are symbols of strong willing for resistance against the oppressors and the bullying powers.
The Syrian official, for his part, said, "I have been tasked by President Bashar al-Assad to express deep regret and condolences to Iran's Supreme Leader and president and Your Excellency."
Referring to the status of Martyr Soleimani among the region's Muslims and oppressed nations, he said that certainly, grief of the Syrian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Yemeni and Afghan peoples for martyrdom of Soleimani is not less than that of the Iranian people.
Soleimani belongs to all freedom-seekers across the world and surely, his martyrdom will be a prelude to liberation of Palestine and elimination of Israel, Mamlouk said.
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