Home / Culture / Iran not meddling in internal affairs of any country, IRGC commander says

Iran not meddling in internal affairs of any country, IRGC commander says

Major General Salami made the remarks in this southwestern Iranian city of Ahvaz in Khuzestan province while addressing a meeting of Basijis (volunteer forces).

The IRGC chief commander censured the enemies for their efforts to attribute their defeats in Iraq to the Islamic Republic.

Through sanctions, the enemies are trying to create problems for the Iranian nation, Major General Salami said while stressing that sanctions led to the development as the country could build drones that can annihilate the targets thousands of kilometers away.

Referring to the unrest in Iran after a gasoline price hike about two months ago, the commander said the enemies were to use the issue of fuel as a tool for hurting the country, meanwhile, they could not be successful.

Enemies try to blame Iran wherever they face failure, and this is the most important aspect of the Islamic Republic power, Salami said.

Iran is not afraid of any kind of war, and the US should know that it has to talk to Iran correctly and according to the international regulations, he noted.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is powerful enough, and there is nothing to be worried about."


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