Home / Culture / Iranian Professor invents polymer nanocomposite

Iranian Professor invents polymer nanocomposite

The purpose of this invention of nanocomposite is to absorb microwaves because today such waves are very much around and in some places it is not suitable for the body so the substances must be absorbed, the inventor told IRNA on Sunday.

Omolfajr Naakhaei noted that the invention uses polyester yarn that can be used in a garment, and if the granule is produced and then turned into yarn, the garment made with this yarn will be able to absorb the waves.

He said that it took a year for the nanocomposite to be made, and if the invention is industrialized, it could be used in the construction industry in addition to apparel.

The Ph.D. of Solid State Physics pointed to the existence of a few domestic products capable of shielding against electromagnetic waves and said that most of these products use metals such as copper or metal nanoparticles for the purpose of protection against electromagnetic waves when using metals due to their high weight, high cost, low plasticity, corrosion and reflection of the waves, their use in the primary environment is very limited.

The professor noted that the polymer product produced in this invention with low weight, long shelf life and efficiency and proper application against electromagnetic waves has overcome these problems.


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