"The majority of voters, 58 percent, preferred a non-military response to Iran's shooting down of a US spy drone. Forty-nine percent of voters said they wanted a negotiated end to the recent hostilities while 9 percent said that Trump should make no action," The Hill wrote.
From among the 1001 respondents, 19% wanted the US to launch a limited military strike on Iran, 5% said the US should declare war on Iran, and 19% said they were unsure what they wanted the US to do next.
The poll also found that older participants, those 65 and above, were the age group most averse to going to war with Iran. 60% said they wanted the US to seek a negotiated end to hostilities while another 4 percent wanted no American response.
Fifty percent of Republicans in the poll said they wanted a peaceful response.
Early on Thursday, Iran shot down an US RQ-4 spy drone that had violated Iranian airspace. Later, US President Donald Trump claimed in a tweet that he had ordered an attack on Iran, but changed his mind in the very last minutes.
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