Speaking as a pre-sermon lecturer in this week's Friday prayers congregation, Ohadi referred to the reason behind Saudis' excuses to prevent Iranian Muslims from perfoming Hajj rituals, reiterating that regarding investigations made for dispatching Iranian pilgrims to Mecca, Saudi Arabian Minister of Hajj said that security has political responsibility for Saudis and there is no guarantee for that.
He added that Saudis' procrastination in that regard made Iranian pilgrims not to participate in Hajj.
Regarding the MoU which was supposed to be signed between Iran and Saudi Arabia, he noted that due to lack of guarantee and consular services it would not be accepted.
On the Mina tragedy, he said that Saudi Arabia even did not mention the number of martyrs.
Referring to the first anniversary of Mina which is to be held by 14 world countries, he said that the event is to reconsider that shocking event.
On September 24, 2015, over 8,000 pilgrims including 461 Iranians were killed in Mina, Saudi Arabia, due to stampede.
However, Saudi Arabia claims only 770 people were killed in the fatal incident.
Saudi Arabia has come under harsh criticism over its mismanagement of Hajj rituals.