Home / Culture / ‘Sun Rises from Aleppo’ to be staged in Damascus

‘Sun Rises from Aleppo’ to be staged in Damascus

Since the play ‘Sun Rises from Aleppo’ written by Abu Basem Hayadar and directed by Koroush Zarei went on stage for ten nights in Aleppo and was well received by the audience, Syrian Culture Ministry invited the group to perform the play in Damascus too.

The play recounts some section of Karabala event in 61 AH when Christian Monk faces the head of Imam Hussein (AS) and it takes a look at today’s society, especially Syrians who are gripped by war for years.

The Sun Rises from Aleppo is the first theatrical work co-produce by Iran and Syria. At the request of the Syrian Ministry of Arts and Culture, the pre-production began with of nearly 60 Syrian theater actors about three months ago, Zarei said.

”We heard that religious performances are popular in Syria, but the presence of nearly 1,000 spectators in the first night of the show ‘The Sun Rises from Aleppo’ was unexpected for us in Aleppo,” he said.

Zarei further noted that the spectators included people from all walks of life; Shias and Sunnis as well as Sunni and Christian scholars.
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