Home / Culture / World media widely covers Iran’s Intl Film Fest for Children and Youth

World media widely covers Iran’s Intl Film Fest for Children and Youth

Asian, European, Arab, Kurdish and other regional media outlets, including Al Jazeera, Alhayat, Teleghraph, Al Mayadeen, Algerian Reporters, Palestine News Agency, Algerian Reporters, Algeria Press Service, Bawabt Sharq, Alahdath, Alwaan Press, Alwast, Alahdath News, Syria newspapers and news media, Almadenah, Alseyassi, Alhuura, Alshaml News, Alwatan Voice, Taayf, Syrian Masah, Iraq’s Sotal, Lebanon’s Shashat, Tahawolat, Times of News, Manber, Mustaqila, Veto, Almowaten, Aleshraq, Egypt Post, Jazairess, Ahwal Elbelad, KHAK TV, NRT, Aga Press, PUK MEDIA, Xendan, Emrro, Bas News, Zagros, Zhyan, Chra, Dengekan, Kurdi Post and etc have all given wide coverage to the festival.

The website of the festival is available in Persian, English, Arabic, Kurdish languages and several teams comprising numerous translators and journalists are covering the reports of this prestigious international cinematic event on daily basis.

The 31st edition of International Film Festival for Children and Youth is slated for August 30- September 5 in Isfahan Province.


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