Salehpour told a group of investors on Sunday that Tehran-Berlin trade grew by 26 percent in the post-JCPOA era.
He said the value of Germany's exports to Iran was $ 2.9 billion in 2017, while that of Iran to Germany stood at $ 500 million the same year.
Salehpour added that small business companies are more active in Iran as they are the driving force of many countries.
'Now we should benefit from sophisticated technology for industries so that the industries will not lag behind the world technologies.'
Meanwhile, Head of the North Khorassan Province Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture Mohammad Samadi said the traders in the province have visited 30 countries so far, including Germany, Italy, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, Portugal and South Africa.
Samadi said grounds should be prepared for links with other countries as well and some trade teams are to be sent to certain countries next year, while accepting trade teams as well.
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