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Main losers of Brexit

After 43 years of membership in the EU, Britons unbelievably voted for independence from the European bloc. But the thing noteworthy is that even during its membership in EU, London always insisted on keeping the value of its national currency and never joined The Schengen Agreement, trying to maintain its traditional status in the international arena.

Plunges in global financial markets, a 9.94% drop in the German Exchange and a 7.7% drop in London Bourse, a 6 percent reduction in oil prices, euro's 3 percent fall against dollar and pound's 11 percent drop against dollar, sharp declines in Tokyo and Hong Kong stock markets and increase in gold price were the first consequences of UK's withdrawal from EU.

This is while European sources had warned against the repercussions of Brexit, saying it may cause a 6% decline in British national revenues until 2030, increase unemployment, reduce national domestic production, place hurdles on the way of British trade and impose additional costs on exports and reduce the level of investments in the country.

Had the Britons knew about the consequences of Brexit, they might have exercised more caution in Thursday referendum which some call it kind of UK isolation and a reduction of its global influence.

The first victim of this shock was Prime Minister David Cameron and the theorist of the referendum who had to resign after the results came out.

Even a petition signed by 1.5 million people requesting the referendum to be held for a second time seems impossible to result in anything.

Some believe that it was the elderly voters who voted for Brexit or claim that the immigrants decided for the Britons. However the European Union leaders said that Britain has divorced from EU and has to finish its relations with the European bloc as soon as possible.

Some analysts believe that Brexit is the beginning of Europeans' mistrust to Britain and will be to the benefit of Middle East developments and will boost Iran's influence in the region.

For Iran, this separation will cause a drop in global oil prices and subsequently a reduction of Iranian revenues in the short-term. On the other hand, the reduction of the value of euro and dollar will not be to the benefit of Iranian economy.

However, the low level of Tehran-London trade and the existence of banking restrictions are among the factors that seem to alleviate the negative consequences of this separation for Iran.


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