Home / Culture / Iranian minister: Deals with Belgium paves grounds for more ties

Iranian minister: Deals with Belgium paves grounds for more ties

'Fortunately, there are good relations between Iran and Belgium, and what the two countries gained through the meetings held on Wednesday is not limited to the agreements signed between Belgian and Iranian firms,' the health minister told Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

'In the coming months, there would be more talks between Iran's private sector and that of Belgium,' he said, hoping that the two sides will use each other's know-how and technology.

On Wednesday, a number of Iranian healthcare companies signed agreements with their Belgian counterparts on information technologies, medical equipment, and controlling non-contagious diseases.

Hashemi, heading a delegation, arrived in Brussels on Monday evening, to talk with Belgian officials and those of the European Union.

The Iranian health minister left Belgium on Wednesday evening to take part in a meeting on healthcare investment opportunities for Hungary.


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